Choosing Between Grass-Fed or Grain-Fed Beef
There is a lot of noise around to whether it is better to eat grass-fed beef or grain-fed beef. The debates are already getting emotionally charged so this is one issues that we have to look into. Upon careful analysis, you will find a few claims and misinformation in both sides. Here are some points of comparison between the two kinds of beef.
To better understand the issues, definitions are necessary. When we speak of grass-fed beef, what we mean is beef that is entirely fed on grass throughout the life of the animal. It is not the same with grain-fed beef, that is, grain-fed does not mean that is has only eaten grains all of its life. Grain was only introduced to the cattle prior to slaughter but it has fed on grass for the most part of its life. The contention of many nutritionists is that the nutritional value of the beef is compromised because of the addition of grains to its diet.
Out comparison will then be based on price, taste, and nutrition and find out which kind of beef is better.
The supply of grass fed beef houston is increasing in the market since the demand for this type of beef is increasing. However, you will notice that it has a higher market price than grain-fed beef. You can understand why plainly. When you feed grain to beef, they will have more bulk and so it bring down the cost per pound of beef. This is why it has lower costs in the store.
You can see a great difference between how grass-fed and grain-fed beef appear. There is a darker color to grass-fed beef and this is due to the fact that it won't have fat-marbling that you will see in high grade grain-fed meat. If you feed grains to the cattle before slaughter, it does not just add more pounds at a faster rate, it will also add fat. There is a much richer taste to grain-fed beef because of marbleized fat.
When it comes to nutritional value, proponents of grass-fed beef makes their case. Grass-fed beef have lower calories, have more vitamins A and E, and have higher levels of antioxidants. You can also find healthy omega 3 fats in them. But the omega 3 fat content in grass-fed beef is very small compared to salmon.
The main benefit of eating grass fed beef texas is that it is low in calories. You save on calories by eating this kind of beef. This translates into a few pounds. Grass-fed beef is ideal for weight watchers or those who want to lose weight.
This is a never ending debate. There is still the antibiotic issue and other minor issues to deal with. But considering that each side has an argument, we will always be offered choices. Only you can determine what tis good for you. It is you who will ultimately decide whether you want to eat healthy or you want to eat with pleasure. Make sure to check out this website at and know more about beefs.